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Bereavement Outreach

  • Bereavement Cards & Letters

    • If someone you know has recently suffered from the loss of a loved one please send us their information (Name, address, name of loved one, and their relation) and we would love to send a card & letter to let them know they are loved and not alone during this time. We want to give them a little bit of hope during this painful time letting them know that Enduring By Grace Ministries is praying for them and would like to help them through whatever resources we have.

    • If you or someone you know has experienced the loss of a loved one and has a website or post of any kind indicating how others can help financially please share that with us (giving us permission to share) so that we may share this on our website and social media to try to recruit more aid. 

      • While we are still a small non-profit with limited funds we would love to purchase a floral arrangement or make a monetary donation when funds allow so please share this information with us.

Outreach Request
I would like to request:

Thank you for your submission. We will outreach ASAP.

In addition to filling out the form above please refer our website to your loved one so they may benefit from our podcast(s) and blog posts. Our prayer is that they will find hope and encouragement through this ministry.

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